How do you see the most recent followers on Twitter? In this guide, you will learn about that. “How to see someone’s most recent followers on Twitter” – Whether you’re looking to track your growth or simply curious about who’s following a particular account, our step-by-step instructions will make it easy to see who’s recently started following on Twitter. Read Below to learn more.
Twitter arranges your followers in chronological order based on when they followed you, with the most recent followers appearing at the top.
Do you want to know which celebrities on Twitter are your friends or favorites in the following list order? Learn how to check to see if the most recent accounts you’re following have started following you by reading the information below. This article will help you in either case. In the following paragraphs, we’ll walk you through a complete guide on how to see someone’s most recent followers on Twitter. Keep reading!
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5 Ways To See Someone’s Most Recent Followers On Twitter
Here are the ways to see someone’s most recent followers.
The Common Approach
This article discusses how to see someone’s most recent followers on Twitter and find out who is following them. To review recent followers on Twitter:
- If you don’t already have an account, please establish one by visiting the Twitter website and following the instructions.
If you have a Twitter account, you can use the procedures below to check who has recently followed someone:
- Go to the profile of the person whose followers you want to see by logging into your Twitter account. Click on it or type their username into the search field if you see their name in the timeline or list of followers.
2. While there, scan the user’s profile page for the “Followers” link. This is typically located next to other tabs like “Likes” and “Tweets” and usually under the user’s profile photo. A list of users who have followed that person is accessible.
3. Arrange the followers list in order of the most recent additions. You can use the search bar to hunt for specific people or scroll down the list to see who is following you.
4. Use the “Load more” option at the bottom of the list to load additional followers if you want to see even more recent followers. The most recent followers who made their accounts public will be displayed. Keep this in mind. A user’s name won’t appear in the Twitter follower list if they utilize a private account on Twitter.
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Using Third-Party Applications
There are a couple more ways to see the most recent followers on Twitter in addition to utilizing the “Followers” button on their profile page. These applications include additional information like each follower’s location and bio and the ability to observe users’ followers in real-time.
Choose a program for Twitter verification and administration or a social media management platform, like Hootsuite or Buffer, that regularly enables you to keep track of new followers. Alternatively, you can track followers using any program from a third party.
Track New Followers With Twitter’s Advanced Search and Follower Count
Using Twitter’s advanced search to pin any tweet from accounts that follow the person you’re looking for is another way to find out who has gained new followers on the social media network.
This displays a user’s Twitter followers and the Twitter following order in which they follow other users.
Keep An Eye On Their Follower Count
A second method to discover how to see someone’s most recent followers on Twitter is to follow the user and keep watch on the follower count. You can see who is following by peering at the follower count.
The user’s overall number of followers grows as they mass more followers.
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Discover the Power of the Twitter API
Alternatively, you can view someone’s most recent Twitter follower order using the Twitter API (Application Programming Interface). The Twitter API is a set of tools developers can use to obtain and analyze data from the Twitter handle. You can create special tools or programs that can retrieve data like a user’s followers and display it in the most useful ways with the aid of the API. Accessing the Twitter API needs some programming knowledge, so it might only suit some.
How to see who followed me on Twitter recently?
Visit your profile page on Twitter and click the 'Followers' button to see who has recently started following you. Below is a list of the users following you, starting with the most recent. You may also track many followers over time with Twitter analytics apps like TweetDeck or SocialRank.
How to find out who someone else is following on Twitter?
With SocialRank, you may discover more about any user's followers and who they follow. Visit their profile page and choose the ‘Following’ option to check who else is following them on Twitter. A list of the users the user is following appears here.
How to see who someone else has recently followed on Twitter?
To see who else has recently started following you on Twitter, use the services like TweetDeck or SocialRank. You can keep track of a user's Twitter activities using the attributes, such as who they follow and who they recently followed.
Can you view a list of hashtags or keywords' most recent followers?
You can view the list of recent followers for a specific hashtag or keyword using Twitter analytics tools such as TweetDeck or SocialRank. Simply write the hashtag or keyword into the search field, and the tool will display a list of users who have recently used that hashtag and keyword in the tweets.
Does Twitter show followers in order?
Since Twitter often displays a user's followers in reverse chronological order, the list will begin with the most recent additions. You can see the most recent accounts that a follower of yours started following on the follower list. The order of followers may only be precise sometimes, even if it can take some time for new followers to appear on the list.
It was all about How to See Someone’s Most Recent Followers on Twitter. A user’s followers are accessible by clicking the “Followers” button on their profile page. Data from the Twitter platform can also be accessed and analyzed using third-party applications via the Twitter API. The procedures will let you discover who is following whom on Twitter and maintain tabs on the followers.
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