8 Weird Websites On The Internet You Should Know About

The Internet is a vast platform encompassing our various needs and interests. It includes social media, news sites, and strange websites, providing information about both global affairs and our friends. There are video and entertainment sites offering music, funny clips, and new releases. Academic, shopping, and business sites facilitate access to knowledge, products, jobs, and services. Holiday sites like blogs and vlogs bring us closer to people and places, adding fun and enjoyment. Online activities such as shopping, banking, working, and entertainment are easily accessible.

Here is the list of 8 Weird Websites On The Internet You Should Know About:

  • Ducks are the best
  • The quiet place
  • Cross divisions.com
  • Falling
  • Nohomophobes
  • Zombie passions.com
  • Partridgegetslucky.com

The above discussed are the uses of the Internet and about the useful websites on the Internet. But also there are many weird websites on the Internet which we don’t know. The Internet is as odd as it is terrific. Every website started with an idea; some of those ideas were to be fair. ‘Strange,’ to say the least. That least useless and mad website is called a weird website. Check out these story-driven websites specially gathered for Fashionistas.

Most Weird Websites to Know About in 2024

Precisely, here we list down some of the weird sites on the Internet you should know about.

Ducks are the best

It’s a type of game. If we like 1980,s quality computer graphics as well as an unhealthy obsession with ducks, then this is the site for us. With every quiver of the mouse, more and more ducks will appear on the screen until we can see nothing but these loveable bundles of feathers. Yes, this is the first on our list of weird websites in the world.

ducks Are the best

Visit : Ducksarethebest.com

The quiet place

It is one of the other weird websites showcasing a dull image. If we spend way too much time sitting at a desk and staring at a computer screen, then this website will certainly be well appreciated. The only thing we will need to do is press our spacebar and read ‘ENJOY.’

the quiet place

Visit : Thequietplace.com

Cross divisions.com

Here comes the third in our list of weird websites. It is a mad and hypnotic website. It does nothing more than make us feel a little bit sick. Moving gradients, expanding tunnels, and a creepy red tone adds to the overall weirdness and pointlessness of this website.

cross divisions



This is one of the weird websites that can make you sick just by sharing the name. The music in the background, coupled with the moving graphics, actually does make us feel like we are falling into infinity.


Visit : Fallingfalling.com


This website scrapes Twitter and displays the number of times a tweet has a homophobic word within it. Its purpose is to highlight the usage of homophobic language within everyday conversations.

no homophobes

Visit : Nohomophobes.com

Zombie passions.com

It is a bizarre website for most people. Still, if we are zombie lovers, zombie survivalists, zombie preppers, or just ugly zombie freaks, then we will love a few weird websites with dedicated zombie dating and social networking sites. Who needs the run-of-the-mill dating sites when we leave this extremely niche zombie love fest just a few clicks away?

zombie passions


A weird eel-type creature that moves when we put our cursor over it. There are some freaky, psychedelic backgrounds as well, which isn’t great if we suffer from epilepsy. Plus, this is one of the rare websites one should visit.


Alan Partridge is a legend who introduced this website. He was over there in the UK. A little loop of him playing the bass to Daft punks get lucky is simply genius! There’s nothing much to it, but some of the most fabulous ideas are just that…simple.


Visit : Patridgegetslucky.com


What is the most fun website?

Numerous websites can keep you company when you're bored. They are: Find the Invisible Cow. MapCrunch. The Useless Web. Hacker Typer. Paper Toilet. News of the Future. Pointer Pointer. Bees Bees Bees!

What is the creepiest thing in the world?

The 13 creepiest places on earth The Catacombs of Paris. The Tower of London. Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. Port Arthur, Tasmania. The Chernobyl ghost town of Pripyat. Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh. Ghost tours of Edinburgh.

Why is Israel blurred on Google Maps?

The entire country of Israel is shown in low resolution in all U.S.-based mapping services, including Mapquest, Bing, etc. This is a result of the Kyl–Bingaman Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997


The above-mentioned are some of the weird websites on the Internet. After reading about all these weird websites, we understood the weirdness of these websites. They are so wasteful. We noticed that these websites began without any super or particular ideas. Thus, they couldn’t help people in any way. They can only waste others’ time.

p>Some of these weird websites are making the person mad and sick. It will create many problems in society. When we go through this type of website, we can understand that they started this only for fun and without any aim or ideas. So, there is nothing inside some of them. Those categories of websites can’t be used, at least for a child. Because nowadays, children also have some more knowledge about the Internet and its websites. Therefore, we can say that those types of sites are the weirdest websites on the Internet.

In a nutshell, we can say that the Internet contains both useful and successful and weird websites. Some of them are more valuable or successful websites, and some others, like the above, are funny and weird websites. So, people need to choose the best and worst of the sites on the Internet. The best websites help us in many ways: job, service, purchase, chill, etc. And the worst ones create many problems also for us. Thus, we should select the best weird websites which help us and complete our wants or needs.

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